Public Program
Bellerive Hub Open Day by the Bellerive Historical Society

Old Bellerive Post Office – now the site of the Sound Preservation Association of Tasmania
Five volunteer-run Bellerive organisations are opening their doors on the Wednesday of Seniors Week (19th) to offer a unique “hub” experience in multiple venues located within close walking distance of each other.
Visit the wonderful collection in the Sound Museum, do a little Family History, observe some arts and craft (Bellerive Community Arts Centre), check out the Education and Research Centre, do a short walk of historical Bellerive Bluff after collecting a free map at the Bellerive Historical Centre, and maybe have lunch at one of the many excellent Bellerive cafés.
Perhaps consider getting there and back from the Western Shore via ferry – all venues are close to each other, and from the ferry terminal. No bookings required for events in the Bellerive Community Arts Centre but are recommended for the Sound Preservation, Family History and Moorings Education and Research Centre.
Bellerive Historical Centre, 17 Cambridge Rd, Bellerive
Enquiries: 0400 974 056