Caring Kids! Poster Competition

Enter the Caring Kids art competition by submitting an image that fits in our signage template. Winners will have their image printed and put into our new community signage boxes on roads and in parks around Clarence. All participants will have their work displayed in an online gallery.
The theme is: Caring Kids – what are you doing to take care of yourself, your family or your neighbourhood?
How to enter:
- Download the template here
- Print it out or measure out the dimensions on your own paper
- Draw/paint/collage/design something in the box!
- Take a picture or scan it in
- Email it to rosnyfarm@ccc.tas.gov.au
Entry is free for kids aged 16 and under
Extended Deadline: 5th May 10pm
Download related material
Competition Template
Download the template for the signage boxes, fill in the box and email it back to us!