Dark Mofo: Milan Milojevic – WUNDERKAMMERAMA

A wunderkammer – cabinet of curiosities – of prints, projections, dioramas and constructed objects inspired by the imaginary flora and fauna from Jorges Luis Borges’s The Book of Imaginary Beings (1957), giving form to ideas of homeland, memory and myth.
A universe populated by hybrid flora and fauna that generate a sense of wonder in its audience. Yet this wonder is accompanied by the uneasy knowledge that the world created is a dystopian one, a fabricated version of reality that nonetheless seduces with its spectacular forms that leap from the paper with technicolour intensity, into the space the viewer inhabits.
Look out for details on the opening night event Friday June 2, 6pm.
Presented by Dark Mofo and Clarence City Council.
Click here to read the article in IMPRINT magazine.