Public Program
Discover the Land Boomers of Lindisfarne: A Walk Through Time

To find out how Lindisfarne was shaped, come on our Lindisfarne Land Boom walk….
Back in the 1880s, “Marvellous Melbourne” was running headlong into the chaos of a land boom, the end of which would see some of the leading citizens bought down by bankruptcy as the boom fizzled out. But the land boom wasn’t limited to Melbourne; in Hobart there were plenty of respectable speculators looking to make a fortune through buying large chunks of farmland and developing them into urban paradise. In fact, that’s how Lindisfarne (then Beltana) came into being, dreamt up by a group of lawyers looking to cash in on the boom and in the process create their own homes away from home, separated by the Derwent from the noise and smell of industrial Hobart.
There will be 2 walks available:
11 -2 pm 7 February
11-2pm 14 February
Start point: Lindisfarne Activities Centre car park, 37A Lincoln St, Lindisfarne TAS 7015
Walking difficulty: Easy
Shoes: Please wear sturdy walking shoes and wear appropriate outdoor, warm weather attire.
Social Distancing restrictions will apply with limited ticket numbers for the event. Participants are advised to keep 1.5m apart during the walk.
For more information please call History Officer Alan Townsend on 6217 9607.