Ferrosols and Track-beds: Laura Gillam

Laura Gillam, last gleam of a setting sun, 2019
“Ferrosols are deep, deep red on red soil with red bits”, it’s great if you want to grow potatoes. You can see it all along the coast. Apparently some farmers dust their produce with it to boost sales. Track-beds are the groundwork onto which a railway track is laid. When the railway is disused sometimes it can be used to turn into other things or it might just lie there for generations to come. Both hold weight. In history and in memory, not all is good, not all is bad.
Ferrosols and Track-beds by Laura Gillam is an assemblage of those folk you’d want to fight beside if a zombie apocalypse hit those dissolute tracks and red pastures. A collection of paintings and objects that observe personal stories and ingenuities to re-imagine regional archetypes. Each piece finds gratitude and is informed by the ideas of anarcho-communities, mutual aid and is concerned with the centralisation of power and the stratification between the rural and the urban.