To enrol email, providing your name and phone number. Members can enrol in person any weekday morning at 17 Cambridge Road, Bellerive by entering your name and phone number in the Workshop sign-up book. Numbers are limited.
Introduction to Indigo dyeing techniques

Accomplished textile artist Jenny Groves will run a two day workshop on Indigo dyeing at the Bellerive Community Arts Centre. During the workshop we will be using an indigo vat to demonstrate various Japanese Shibori techniques for dyeing cloth. There will be an opportunity to use rust stains within the Shibori designs and the chance to develop your basic skills further.
Participants are encouraged to bring natural fabrics on which they can work for the 2 days of the workshop i.e. cotton, silk or linen.
The workshop is open to members of the Bellerive Community Arts Centre and the general public. Enrollment will be on a first application basis.