Community Calendar
Kangaroo Bay (Rosny) Skate Park Leagues Comp

Know Your Odds Presents: Tasmanian Skate Park Leagues!
Get down to Kangaroo Bay (Rosny) Skate Park on Saturday, 17 August and compete in skate, scoot, Inline or BMX.
The Skate Park League competitions are community based grass-roots events focused on embracing skate park culture and bringing the community together.
*All competitors will go in the draw to win one of our raffled off prizes. This encourages participation and ensures everyone has an even chance to win a prize!
Registrations are now open:
Heat Times:
Scooter: 11:00am (14 & Under, 15 & Over)
BMX: 12:30pm (14 & Under, 15 & Over)
Aggressive Inline Skate: 12:30pm (Opens)
Skate 1:30pm (12 & Under, 16 & Under, Open Male, Open Female)
Event Partners: Clarence City Council, Live Clarence, Skate Australia, YMCA Victoria, Bad Boy Australia, Element, Know Your Odds, Goliath Skate, Harsh Protective Gear, Skater Maps, Scooter Hut & Root Industries & Bayside Blades Skates
All competitors must wear helmets during heats, YMCA can provide.
Event Guidelines, Scoring Criteria and Policies:
Photo credit:
If you are concerned about gambling you can free call Gamblers Help on 1800 858 858 or get online help at For further information about the Know Your Odds campaign visit
We’re running a training day at YMCA Glenorchy. Fill out this expression of interest form for more details:
Applications close Monday, 12 August 2019