School Holiday Workshop: Silly Stretches at Rokeby – Yoga for Littlies!

Join us this July School Holidays at The Grace Centre in Rokeby for a fun-filled and playful yoga session that will introduce your little one/s to the magic of yoga through imaginative games, storytelling, and movement.
Set sail on a journey of mindful movement, self-discovery, and imaginative play in this casual School Holiday session designed to introduce children to the joy and benefits of yoga in a fun and engaging way, fostering physical well-being and emotional balance.
From pretending to be animals in the jungle to soaring through the sky like superheroes, each pose is delivered in a fun, age-appropriate way that allows the children to have fun acting out the stories using yoga poses. After all, these are silly stretches!
While we have heaps of fun, we will also focus on mindfulness and helping children relax and regulate themselves through simple breathing exercises.
This is an all-abilities session! Children with neurodiverse needs are very welcome. Yoga instructions will also be given in AUSLAN and all children will be participating in some signing.
This session is aimed at early primary age however younger/older children are also welcome. Parents and carers are welcome to join in and are included in ticket price.
Feel free to bring along a yoga mat if you already won one, however this is not necessary or required.
Wear comfortable clothing that you can move around in easily!