Silk flower workshop

Bellerive Community Arts Centre has acquired tools and materials to make fabric flowers and a workshop is being offered with a view to giving members and the public an opportunity to learn a new skill.
We have engaged milliner Cessiah Alice who will demonstrate flower construction and then help participants with their own work.
Most equipment is provided, including some fabrics in various colours but you may prefer to bring about 50cm of silk duppion of your colour choice for a lustrous result.
It will take place on Saturday 12 May from 10.00am to 3.00pm at the Bellerive Community Arts Centre, 17 Cambridge Road Bellerive.
Registration opens on Monday 16 April and numbers are very limited. Cost is $30 for members and $40 for non-members.
Register by email at
Payment will secure your place and can be made using bank details: Bellerive Community Arts Centre, CBA Rosny Park BSB 067-103, Account 28030779 Your name and Flowers will identify you. Email BCAC confirmation of your deposit. Participants will be emailed with more information upon registration.