The Luminosity of Shadows: Peter Maarseveen

During this time of isolation, Peter Maarseveen has documented the landscape of his backyard using an alternative photographic technique from the 1800’s called Lumen Prints, as well as using a homemade 20 x 24-inch camera to create larger than life images of the plants that surrounded him everyday.
The lumen print technique uses the sun as the light source, leaving a shadow print of nature. There is no digital involvement in either process, instead, The Luminosity of Shadows embrace slow and ephemeral processes, reveling in the imperfections of the images created unlike the highly edited landscape photography that exists today.
Please note that social distancing and good hygiene must be practiced whilst in the gallery spaces. Please don’t visit if you feel unwell or have cold or flu like symptoms as Council has a responsibility to ensure the health and safety of visitors, artists and staff.