Public Program
TWO SIDES: From the Other Side

TWO SIDES: From the Other Side Volume 2 is a curated compilation of stories and songs made during the final months of 2020. It follows the social trajectory from lockdown & isolation, to care & connection. Whilst the content of Volume 1 mirrored the quietness, uncertainty and slowing down of the pandemic lockdown, Volume 2 reflects the strength needed to reconnect our community and establish sustainable, new ways of being in the ‘new normal’.
2020 has been a big year, with the Australian summer bushfires, the Global Pandemic and now to reckoning with our collective past and future. This year has taught us to care about our community, communicate and share space. How can these lessons be useful now that we are on the other side?
From staying safe at home to coming back stronger than before, Two Sides aims to create a document of this current time, by the artists and musicians in our local community.
To Order a copy click this link:
Artists & Musicians:
Sam George-Allen
Tom O’Hern
Liz Tew
Melanie Roach
Priya Vunaki
Adam Outson
It Thing
Seth Henderson
The Boners
Yyan & Emily
All That We Are + kids from workshop
Supported by the Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund. Curated in collaboration with Edge Radio 99.3FM, Cygnet Folk Festival and CONSTANCE A.R.I